
Проблемы тинейджеров на английском. Сочинение на английском языке с переводом


Титаренко Екатерина,

п. Карымское, Карымский район, Забайкальский край

МОУ СОШ №4 п. Карымское

Проблемы подростков

Руководитель: , учитель английского языка


1. Abstract _________________________________________2

2. Introduction ______________________________________3

3. Methodology______________________________________4

4. Body of the research________________________________5

a) conflicts with parents_______________________________5

b) bad habits________________________________________5

c) bullying__________________________________________6

d) first love_________________________________________6

e) computer and TV addiction__________________________6

f) being independent__________________________________7


6. Conclusion_______________________________________10

7. References_______________________________________11

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.


The title of our research work is The Problems of the Teenagers.

The work is devoted to the problems of modern teenagers.
In our time teenagers always face different difficulties and problems. These can be problems of the choice of future profession, free-time activities, parent’s misunderstanding, dealing with the first love and so on. These are problems, which are common for all young people, almost all teens have ever faced difficulties of different kind in their lives.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.


The topic of my work is “The problems of modern teenagers ”.
The life of a teenager can be complicated sometimes. It is a difficult age and there are many problems on the way of becoming adults. For example, the choice of free-time activities, parent-child misunderstanding, the choice of future profession, dealing with the first love and so on. All teenagers have their own views on their life and future. They often stay alone with their thoughts because nobody seems to understand them. In this situation it’s better to talk to someone who is more experienced in life matters. One of the most common problems is the misunderstanding between teens and their parents. It has always been a problem but each generation becomes more difficult than the previous. Teenagers think that they are old enough to have their own opinion, while their parents don’t take their opinion into account. It is not right. Adults should try to give more attention to their children especially at such a difficult age. Teenagers also need more freedom of choice and less pressure. They are the future of our country and a lot depends on what kind of people they will become. The problem of drug is also actual at this age. Many teenagers suffer from drug addiction. It often leads to health problems and serious consequences. Other issues include smoking and drinking alcohol. Clearly there are a lot of problems in teenagers’ lives. That’s why I think this topic is very important and interesting to study nowadays.
The aim of the research is to define some of the teenage problems and to find out what problems do the teenagers of our school and my friends in the Internet face.

The object of the research is the young people aged 14-17
The subject of our work is – the problems of the modern youth. According to the aim we put the following problems:
- to describe some of the problems that teenagers have;
- to examine the teenagers of our school about some of the problems;
- to interview the young people in the Internet about the difficulties they have.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.


To come to the aim of our research work we use the following methods:

1. The studying of literary souses on this topic.

2. The studying of Internet resouses on this topic.

3. The interview of the classmates.

4. The interview of people in the Internet.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.

Body of the research

There are a lot of teenagers in our country. A teenager is a person from thirteen to nineteen years of age. And young people face as many difficulties as grown-up people do.

Problems that teenagers are faced with today can take so many forms. Even in stable, solid family units, teenagers will face confusion and uncertainty with themselves and life.
Common teenager problems include: conflicts with parents, bad habits, bullying, first love, computer and TV addiction.

Let"s examine each of these problems.

Conflicts with parents.

Most typical problems for teenagers are conflicts with adults. During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. They may push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries. It has always been a problem but each generation becomes more difficult than the previous this fact can be called “a generation gap” - the problem of fathers and sons. Teens usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. Teenagers think that they are old enough to have their own opinion, while their parents don’t take their opinion into account. It is not right. Adults should try to give more attention to their children especially at such a difficult age.

Bad habits.
Many young teenagers begin to smoke and drink alcohol at the age of thirteen or fourteen. They do it because they want to look cool in the eyes of their mates. The problem of drug is also actual at this age. Many teenagers suffer from drug addiction. It often leads to health problems and serious consequences. Other issues include smoking and drinking alcohol.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.

Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid of going to school. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students. They often stay alone with their thoughts because nobody seems to understand them. In this situation it’s better to talk to someone who is more experienced in life matters. The word “bullying” covers different situations. Name calling, stealing, abuse of any kind are the forms of bullying. There is a clear definition of bullying; “It is an attempt to hurt, threaten of frighten someone.”
Abuse, stealing, threatening and blackmail are all forms of bullying. Racism can be called bullying. Making someone feel not good or less good about themselves is bullying.
A bully is a person who physically or verbally hurts someone. A bully can be boy, a girl, a man or woman. A bully usually picks on people who cannot defend themselves.
Bullying is wrong and is anyone is bullying they should get punished.
The victims should talk to someone about how they feel after the bullying. Bullying must spoken about. Teenagers and adults should try to prevent bullying. Prevention is better than cure. Nowadays many teenagers use Childline just to have someone to talk about their problems, a person who will listen to and won’t criticize.

First love.

Teenagers often meet their first love. It is a wonderful time for them and one of the best stages of life. This event stays in one’s memory forever. Unfortunately, the first love can have unhappy endings. It leads to problems in communication even with the best friends.

Computer and TV addiction.

Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are depending on their computer. Today most of young people have TV-sets as well as computers with permanent Internet connection in their bedrooms. Therefore, despite the fact that a lot of TV programmes are inappropriate for teens they watch them because few parents actually check up what their children watch. So, programmes containing offensive language, scenes of violence and loud screeches influence teens badly. It is really difficult for

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.

children to determine the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Hence, they start imitating the violent behaviour they see in their favourite programmes.

Being independent. Are you expected to make choices? Do your parents encourage you to be independent in your everyday life? American parents do. They believe strongly that a person should have the freedom to decide what should be done today and in the future. Parents encourage their children from an early age to be independent, to be responsible, to respect their society and their country, to work hard and to believe in God.
Very often even small children decide themselves how o decorate their bedrooms or what toys to play with. Teenagers have lots of choices to make: at school they choose between sports or music, French or German, economic or social studies. They choose who their friends are and how to earn their pocket money, for

example by babysitting or carrying newspapers. They also choose how to spend the money that they have earned: buying computer games, travelling or just going to a disco.
Parents and teachers are always ready to help the teenagers with their decisions. But it’s very important to be independent and to believe in yourself.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.

To analyze the problems of the modern teens we decided to ask some questions to the students of our school and teenagers in the Internet.
People in our school:

Yes - 4
No – 11

Yes - 10
No - 5

3. Do you have bad habits?
Yes - 3
No - 12

Yes -13
No - 2

Positive answers:

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.

People in the Internet:
1. Do you face humiliation or bullied?
Yes – 4
No – 11

2. Do you have conflicts with your parents?

Yes – 12
No – 3
3. Do you have bad habits?

Yes – 2
No – 13
4. Do you use a computer for more than three hours a day?

Yes - 11
No – 4

Positive answers:

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.


We did the research to find out what problems do teenagers of modern time have.
Our work proved that the young people have different problems beginning with choosing a good friend and ending with drug usage.

We proved that we have some problems but we are sure that we will be able to solve them properly. I think that the young people in other countries have such problems too. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life.
As you see it’s very difficult to be young nowadays as indeed it always was. But you only can be young ones and some wonderful things can happen to you only when you’re young. So it’s better to enjoy youth while it lasts.

The Problems of the Teenagers. Kate Titarenko, secondary school №4 p. Karymskoe, Grade 9.


1. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/Enjoy English: Учебник для 8кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2008. – 160 с.: ил.
2. Словарь активного усвоения лексики английского языка – С48 М.: Рус. яз., 1988 – 710 с.
3. Счастливый английский. Кн.2. Учеб. Для 7 кл. общеобразоват. Учреждений/, . – М.: Просвещение, 1994. – 336 с.: ил. – ISBN-5-09-005054-6
4. Энтин человек себе враг / . – М.: «Знание», 2008. – 124 с.
5. О вреде никотина и алкоголя / . – М.: «Просвещение» 2009. – 97с.
6. Тематический сборник для подготовки к устному экзамену по английскому языку за курс основной школы. 9 класс . – 5-е изд., испр. – М.: Дрофа, 2009 – 112с.

Несмотря на название статьи, я бы хотела подчеркнуть, что проблемы, которые я собираюсь упомянуть, касаются не только молодежи (youth / young people ), а людей всех возрастов. Но, как правило, сталкиваться с этими проблемами мы начинаем как раз в молодом возрасте, если не сказать с подростковых лет (adolescence ). Ведь именно в этот период ребенок постепенно становится взрослым (adult ). Это время смятения (turmoil ), стресса (stress ), бунта (rebellion ) и отрицания (negativism ), но так формируется личность (personality ), которая пытается найти свое место в жизни, определить свои ценности (develop own values ). Поэтому им так ненавистен упорядоченный мир взрослых (ordered adult world ), в котором действуют уже установленные правила, законы и принципы (rules , laws and principles ).

Но вопрос о том, насколько правдива картина бунтующих подростков, достаточно спорный. У нас сформировался стереотип, что каждый из них неспокойный (troublesome ) и несговорчивый (uncooperative ). Но с другой стороны этот переход из детства во взрослую жизнь у многих происходят безболезненно, без глобальных проблем. Но подростки и впрямь великие экспериментаторы (great experimenters ). Они работают над своими прическами, меняют музыкальные пристрастия, уходят в религию, вводят в моду диеты и отношения на одну ночь. Они пытаются все попробовать (try everything out ), делать все по своему (do things their own way ), пытаясь выяснить, а как же все-таки будет правильно.

В подростковый период юноши и девушки начинают работать над серьезной проблемой (come to grips with ). У них возникают вопросы следующего характера: «Кто я?», «Что мне делать в этой жизни?», «А смысл всего этого?». На некоторые вопросы ответы находятся быстро, а над некоторыми приходится трудиться и в зрелом возрасте (adulthood ). Но именно подростковый период становится тем началом поисков своей собственной взрослой жизни. Пытаясь показать свою самостоятельность, они также понимают, что финансово все еще зависят от родителей (financially dependent on parents ). Чувство бессилия (sense of impotence ) и злости (rage ), которые требуют выхода, и толкают подростков в мир, полный совсем не детских проблем.

Что же мы именуем проблемами молодежи на английском языке ? Все ниже перечисленное касается любого подростка любого государства, поэтому эти проблемы очень актуальны (urgent ) в современном мире. И очень жаль, что пока справиться с ними не удается.

  1. Alcohol (hitting the bottle ). Алкоголизм – это проблема не только подростков, но целых поколений. В наши дни распитие спиртных напитков (alcohol drinking ) перешло из ряда вредных привычек (bad / vicious habit ) в обыкновенный способ расслабиться или повеселиться. И статистика смертности (death rate ) от зеленого змия (the demon drink ) нас не пугает вовсе. Это одна из самых основных проблем молодежи на английском языке, ведь испытывать пристрастие (addiction ) к алкоголю дети начинают в достаточно раннем возрасте. А алкоголь не только губит здоровье (destroy health ) человека, но и делает его небезопасным для окружающих. Ведь многочисленные аварии (accidents / vehicular homicides ) на дороге происходят по вине пьяных водителей (drunk drivers ). Но для подростков алкоголь является запретным плодом (forbidden fruit ), который так и хочется вкусить, однако они не понимают, что потом, будучи взрослыми, отказаться распивать спиртное они не смогут (give up drinking ).
  2. Drug abuse (drug taking / drug consumption ). Еще одной не менее серьезной проблемой молодежи на английском языке является употребление наркотических средств (drugs ). Стать наркоманом (drug addict ) легко, однажды попробовав, что это, а вот вернуться к нормальной жизни практически невозможно (impossible ), и удается это лишь единицам в качестве исключения. Чтобы продолжать употреблять наркотики, подростки в поиске средств начинают их продавать (sell drugs ). И, кажется, что любопытство (curiosity ) и желание попробовать что-то новое будет всегда направлять еще не окрепших юношей и девушек в объятия наркотического дурмана. А передозировка (overdose ) – это смерть.
  3. Uncontrolled sexual behavior and teenage pregnancy . Третьей глобальной проблемой молодежи на английском языке являются беспорядочные половые связи и вытекающие отсюда последствия, а именно подростковая беременность. Первые очень часто в последнее время приводят не только к рождению незапланированного ребенка, но и к получению заболевания, передающегося половым путем (sexually transmitted disease STD ). И вряд ли кому-то неизвестно, что ВИЧ (HIV Human immunodeficiency virus ) практически всегда переходит в СПИД (AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ), что является состоянием неизлечимым, а, значит, губящим молодых людей в столь раннем возрасте. Подростковые беременности тоже не приносят пользы, ведь как могут стать родителями подростки (teenage mothers and fathers ), которые сами еще дети, не имеющие нормального образования (adequate education ) и финансовых средств для содержания ребенка (monetary means to support a baby )?
  4. Violence and gangs . Жестокость захватила современный мир. Если раньше лишь обзывали (labeling ) и смеялись, порой издеваясь, над детьми в школах (bulling ), то сейчас мы слышим, как те или иные подростки убивают своих одноклассников (shoot and kill ) в тех же родных стенах учебных заведений. Это уже не проблема молодежи на английском языке, а что-то катастрофическое. Доступность оружия провоцирует также и создание многочисленных подростковых банд (gang membership / join gangs ) , которые устраивают засады (ambush ) на мирных жителей, ведут перестрелки (drive-by shootings ) и свои войны среди банд (gang wars ).

Это, конечно, не все проблемы молодежи на английском языке. Их масса. Но чтобы справиться с ними (cope with ) и помочь своему ребенку-подростку выбрать правильный путь в жизни, следует помнить, что нужно быть восприимчивыми (sensitive ) к его потребностям (needs / demands ) и желаниям (desires ), ведь в этом возрасте для них гораздо важнее не одобрение родителей и учителей (parents’ and teachers’ approval ), а авторитет друзей и коллег (friends and colleagues acceptance ). Станьте другом своему ребенку!

После ознакомления с содержанием Топика (Сочинения) по теме "" Советуем каждому из вас обратить внимание на дополнительные материалы. Большинство из наших топиков содержат дополнительные вопросы по тексту и наиболее интересные слова текста. Отвечая на не сложные вопросы по тексту вы сможете максимально осмыслить содержание Топика (Сочинения) и если вам необходимо написать собственное Сочинение по теме "Глобальные проблемы и Опасности " у вас возникнет минимум сложностей.

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Youth is a period of life which is of utmost importance in the life of man. First, man"s entire life is rooted in his early years. The morals and beliefs, range of interests, education, health and habits are all laid in childhood and youth, the personality is shaped. Second, youth is a time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. This period is usually associated with problems: young people "struggle" to fit themselves into society. Difficult decisions and adjustments face young people in today"s society. There are several problems the young generation face. They are the eternal problems of choosing a career and getting education, the problem of independence and money, the problem of unemployment of young people, the generation gap. Young people have many problems of emotional and personal character which may look silly and unimportant in the eyes of grown-ups but appear to be extremely important to the young. They are the problems of friendship and loneliness, as well as the problem of the first love.
Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on - it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of the labour market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental problems faced by young people today is unemployment. Young people today have certain needs and aspirations. Because of the universal downturn in the economy combined with technology when particular jobs and skills are made obsolete, many youths today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs. Unemployment means financial worries, frustration and discouragement. To solve the problem of unemployment, young people should strive for higher education. Then they would be qualified for skilled labour required by industrialized society.
Another problem facing young people today is the tension which exists between parents and children, or the "generation gap". In their eagerness to achieve adult status and live their own life, young people may resent any restrictions. They believe that their parents are overanxious and overprotective, which usually creates tension. The "generation gap" problem is really inevitable. Firstly, every generation is unique in its experience, and young people have always rejected or at least questioned the values of their parents. They have always wanted to learn from their own experience, not from their parents" standards. Secondly, every younger generation tends to be more educated and better-informed than the previous one; they grow more quickly and enjoy freedom more. Thirdly, parents tend to aggravate the situation: they try to impose their ideas upon their children. It results in young people"s revolt against adult authority. Parents should exercise control over young people, and try to overcome the differences but with sympathy and understanding.
An area which poses a problem for young people and their parents is love and dating. Some parents today are prepared to give their children some freedom, others are overprotective, restricting their children from going out with the opposite sex. Thus, many young people today can"t get the valuable experience of adjusting to other people.
Many youths may not be mature enough to cope with such problems, that is why they go in the direction of crime, drugs, vandalism, drinking etc. Often young people are forced either consciously or unconsciously to become involved in those antisocial activities by people of their own age group. Moreover, they compensate for their feelings by revolting against society and adult authority.
The second one is the problem of friendship. Youth is the time when a person is vulnerable to opinions of different people, especially to the opinions of his peer group. Another problem is problem of love and dating. Some parents are democratic in this respect, and allow their children considerable freedom in their relations with the opposite sex. Others are overprotective and forbid their teenage children to go out with people they like, which, in my opinion, can result in many psychological problems as they prevent their children from getting an experience of communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, and this can lead to serious family problems later.
Grown-ups should work together with young people to help them solve these problems. We must remember that the young people are the leaders of tomorrow.

For me, the most important and difficult problem is that of friendship. Firstly, in spite of the fact I have some conflicts with my parents, I have always known they love me, and I love them, too, and will always do my best to help them and make them happy. Friends are people whose trust and affection you have to win; friendship is art for me. Secondly, my friends normally are my peers, we have common interests, likes and dislikes, so having friends is of utter importance to me. As to dating and love, I don"t think much about it yet. I think I have to solve the problems which seem most important to me at the moment, that is choosing the career and entering the university I have chosen.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Юность имеет первостепенное значение в жизни человека, поскольку вся его последующая жизнь основывается на раннем периоде; мораль и убеждения, круг интересов, образование, здоровье, привычки закладываются в детстве и юности.
2. Молодое поколение сталкивается со многими проблемами, такими, как вечные проблемы выбора карьеры и получения образования, проблемой независимости и денег, безработицы, проблемой отцов и детей, дружбы и одиночества, первой любви и многими другими.
3. Наиболее важной проблемой является выбор карьеры, которая очень трудна, так как человеку приходится брать на себя ответственность, для которой у него недостаточно личного опыта, знания рынка труда и возможности найти работу.
4. Безработица - одна из наиболее фундаментальных проблем, с которыми сталкиваются молодые люди из-за общего кризиса в экономике и развития техники.
5. Безработица означает финансовые проблемы, фрустрацию и разочарование; чтобы ее избежать, молодые люди должны стремиться получить высшее образование и подготовку, необходимую для квалифицированного труда.
6. В своем желании достичь статуса взрослых молодые люди могут отрицать любые ограничения и восставать против авторитета взрослых, отвергая или ставя под сомнение их ценности.
7. Многие родители чересчур опекают своих детей и запрещают им встречаться с представителями противоположного пола.
8. Многие молодые люди не настолько зрелы, чтобы справиться с этими проблемами; они идут на совершение антиобщественных действий, таких, как нарушение закона, употребление наркотиков, вандализм, злоупотребление алкоголем.
9. Самая сложная проблема для меня - это проблема дружбы, поскольку мне приходится завоевывать доверие и любовь друзей. Это очень важно, так как нас объединяют общие интересы и вкусы.

1. Youth is of utmost importance in man"s life as his entire life is rooted in his early years; the morals and beliefs, range of interests, education, health and habits are laid in childhood and youth.
2. The young generation face a lot of problems, such as the eternal problems of choosing a career and getting education, the problem of independence and money, unemployment, generation gap, friendship and loneliness, the first love and many others.
3. The most vital problem is choosing a career, which is very difficult as you have to take on the responsibility for which you don"t have enough personal experience and knowledge of the labour market and job opportunities.
4. Unemployment is one of the most fundamental problems faced by young people due to the universal downturn in the economy and technology.
5. Unemployment means financial worries, frustration and discouragement; to avoid it young people should strive for higher education and be qualified for skilled labour.
6. In their eagerness to achieve adult status, young people may resent any restrictions and revolt against adult authority, rejecting or questioning their values.
7. Many parents are overprotective and restrict their children from going out with the opposite sex.
8. Many youths are not mature enough to cope with these problems and go in the direction of antisocial activities, such as crime, drugs, vandalism, drinking.
9. For me, the most difficult problem is that of friendship, as I have to win my friends" trust and affection. It"s very important as we have common interests, likes and dislikes.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

Текст и задания по теме «Проблемы молодежи»

The most common problems of young people are:
the problem of misunderstanding (in a family)
problems with friends (girlfriends, boyfriends)
the problem of communication
the problem of choosing the future profession
the problem of pocket money
problems with parents (the generation gap)
emotional problems
financial problems
first love
to get a good education
frequent changes of mood
to have a good job
Youth is a beautiful time. The faces of young people, the young souls and young love - everything is beautiful. We can describe all the amazing attractions of this only period in life, which is usually remembered during all lifetime, but many youngsters say that their life is followed by numerous troubles. Really, there is no life without problems, but we can"t make little account of youth problems.
Unfortunately, most of the problems are connected with family relations.Moms and dads say that teenage rebels just growing up normal. To my mind, each new generation of kids receives negative reviews because of two entwined social dynamics: surliness and rebellion in youth; fear and loathing by parents, whose youth has passed them by. It"s called the generation gap, which pits the impertinence of youth against the attitudes of people over 30, who forget what a pain in the butt they were as kids.
If you look at history, youth has always looked bad from the adult perspective. Sometimes it"s because they don"t remember all the stupid, dangerous things they did as kids. Adults always tend to glorify their own past. It explains the reason why they often look down their noses at the next generations. Basically, what these critical adults are saying is, "why can"t these kids be like us." It is amazing, but every generation goes through this.
I"m deeply convinced that if some parents are ready to write off the next generation, they should remember how they behaved as young teenagers and recognize rebellion as a sign of growing up.But we should admit, there are some dangerous temptations of the youth and only parents can preserve their children from such social evil as alcohol, smoking and even early sex and killing oneself by using drugs.
For example, the former Soviet Union admitted that it had over 200,000 drug addicts. Because of this the government opened several special hospitals for these addicts. There"s a big anti-drugs campaign in the country"s schools too. Usually drugs come from several places including Western Europe and Afghanistan. Also, some addicts use glue or steal medical drugs from hospitals.
This problem is closely connected with gang-violence. As well as gangs of punks, rockers and hippies, there are ultra conservative gangs, too. They want to stop "the dangerous" influence of teenage culture in our country. But actually they follow the ideas of nationalism and even fascism.
One more acute problem for many young people is smoking. Millions of teenagers know it"s bad for them, but they still do it. I think it is rather easy to withstand the influence of those who smoke. We should be simply strong enough to say "no".
Many people offer their way out. Some of them say that teenagers should not be let to the discos because of the danger of drugs; others say that young people should be given more money and more freedom, because everything that is forbidden astonishes.
But in my opinion, one thing is clear: after decades of silence in the Soviet Union we face a lot of urgent problem, which should be solved as soon as it is possible.
Generation Gap
Sometimes our parents don’t understand us. They don’t understand some problems and things which are very important in teens’ life; for example, the lifestyles of young people, piercing, tattoos, drugs, sex, relationship with friends and teachers. So sometimes teens can’t tell them about their private life. Some parents don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values.
Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present, and regard old times as better, always talking about “the good old days”. The young people, on the other hand, tend to think their times as the best. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new, interesting to them. Sometimes they cannot solve their everyday problems. But they want to cope with them by themselves. So adults shouldn’t prevent them from making their own mistakes.
People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is false that when old age wisdom has come, useless illusions have disappeared. Sometimes when we talk to adults, a monologue is a preferred form of expressing your ideas in such talks. That’s why some teens don’t like to talk to adults. I think that it’s in people’s nature to give advice. It seems to people that giving advice they can help somebody or put somebody on the right track. But if a person takes their advice and fails, he can blame an adult all of his life.
Our parents have their own ideas and views that their children don’t share and understand. They think that their children won’t find their place in life. They often say that now teens are very difficult to socialize with and dumpy. But children should settle all problems peacefully because they are their parents. They brought them up with loving care. And if children come to their parents for advice and help, they will do their best and help children to cope with problems and difficulties.
Questions on the topic «Problems with Parents and Friends»
What are the most common problems of young people?
Do you share the opinion that problems can make people stronger?
How do you choose your friends? What makes people friends?
Do you spend much time with your friends? How do you spend your time together?
Do you have much in common with your friends?
What do you usually talk about?
What jobs, books, outfit, hobbies are popular among the teenagers?
What is better: to have one close friend or a lot of friends? Why?
Do you know about his (her) problems?
Do you get on with your classmates?
Is it possible to solve your problems by yourself?
Do your parents help you to solve your problems?
Can you help your friends to solve their problems?
What is the best way to solve the problems?
Do you think youth organisations can help?
List of words on the topic «Problems with Parents, Teachers and Friends»
a rule - правило
strict - строгий
necessary - необходимый
to need in - нуждаться в
be responsible for - отвечать за что-то
private life - личная жизнь
own business - личное дело
attitude to - отношение к
to interfere - вмешиваться
a permission - разрешение
I am allowed (to allow) - Мне разрешают
to influence - влиять
to copy with problems (= overcome problems)– справляться с проблемами (преодалевать)
to quarrel with - ссориться с
to argue - спорить с
to contradict - возражать
to answer back - огрызаться
to agree/ disagree with - (не) соглашаться с
to be on good terms with (= get on well with) - быть в хороших отношениях
reason / cause - причина
to follow my parents’ advice - следовать совету родителей
to consult my parents/ friends - советоваться с родителями
to insist on – настаивать на
to face the same problem - сталкиваться с той же проблемой
to treat as a child - обращаться как с ребенком
to respect - уважать
have much in common - иметь много общего
to trust- доверять
to betray – предавать
to envy – завидовать

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Our age is so strange. We know that we are on the way to become adults. But this way is so hard. And we teenagers usually stay alone with our thoughts, because nobody even we ourselves understand what is happening around us. There are a lot of problems – that is what we know exactly. And problems are everywhere and we cannot expect why and where they come from. This is very difficult time though some people think that it is the best time. And what is more it"s hard to stay quite and calm. Every young generation has more complicated problems than previous. And maybe nowadays teenagers have more problems then other generations. And this difference awakes misunderstandings with parents. Sometimes it seems that our parents are too tiresome and dull in their demands. And also they often interfere into our life. Parents always say that we are lazy and can"t do anything except rest. Moreover they give not much money, and we hardly can find a job because in our age we cannot be responsible for money of firm or do some kinds of job. And there is a great problem: parents also always doubt in our independence. Our age – is time of making a choice what we will be in future, what we want to do and how. So we have to choose the university to have better education and future profession. If you have a good education you"ll be always perfect at you profession and of coarse you"ll earn more money, make your life better. And the best way to prepare is to study better at school. The school ages are also very difficult. We do a lot of homework and even have no time to go for a walk or do whatever we want. Another problem in school – marks. And we try to do our best to have good marks. But our parents never like them. And for boys there is such problem like conscription. And nowadays it" Also nowadays a problem of drugs is very actual. A lot of teenagers have drug addiction. And sometimes they use drugs not because of that they want. And it often leads to bad ends. Moreover, you may have problems with health. Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than financial ones. The typical teenager problem is that "nobody understands me". Youth is also the time to meet your first love. It is of coarse wonderful but as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end. This also increases young people"s problems. Even friends cannot always stay friends when young people begin to understand themselves a little bit better old friends sometimes just grow apart. And sometimes you have problems in communicating with each other and you even stay alone. So as you see it"s very difficult to be young nowadays as indeed it always was. But you only can be young ones and some wonderful things can happen to you only when you"re young. So it"s better to enjoy youth while it lasts.